Church Calendar

Youth Ranch October Outreach

The Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranch is an organization that has been housing and caring for at-risk youth in our state's communities since 1957. Bldg 28 has partnered with this organization throughout the years to further minister to the children and young adults within the ranch. We hope to build relationships with them to show them […]

Leadership Training: Deacons Part 1

Our Leadership Trainings are taught by our elders each month to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. During this two-part class, we will be going over the office of deacons in the Bible. We specifically invite our current deacons to this class, but this is open to anyone who desires to learn! […]

Trunk or Treat 2024

Bldg 28 will be having its sixth annual free Trunk or Treat from 4:30 – 6:30 PM on Sunday, October 27th! Invite your friends to join us for fun trunk-or-treating and dressing up to celebrate the fall. This event will be held in the back parking lot of Bldg 28 Church. Trunk or Treat cars […]

Parents’ Night Out

This one’s for the parents! Drop your kids off at Bldg 28 on Saturday November 2nd for Parents’ Night Out. Your children will have a great time hanging out with other Bldg 28 kiddos, playing games, and watching a movie while you and your spouse can get some needed alone time! Drop them off at […]

All Things Fall

If you’re a Bldg 28 Lady, we’d love to have you join us for All Things Fall! We will gather together in the Education Wing for fellowship while we paint pumpkins and enjoy some fall treats. Please bring a fall appetizer or dessert to share. RSVP at this link – we will see you on […]

Men’s Breakfast

You're invited to Men's Breakfast on Tuesday November 12th at 7 AM. Our Tuesday Morning Men's Bible Study will be hosting a breakfast and we would love to extend this event to other men who care to join us! We will chow on Chick-fil-A breakfast and hear testimonies from some of our men of God's […]

Men’s Night of Worship

Bldg 28 Men, join us in lifting our hearts and voices together in worship! We will gather together for worship on Thursday November 14th at 6:30 PM at the church. We will also get to hear a short message from one of our deacons, Adam Pruitt. No sign up necessary - we hope to see […]

Woodgate Park Cleanup

Woodgate Park 2495 Countryside Blvd, Clearwater, FL, United States

Advent Series Begins

On Sunday December 1st, we will begin our Advent sermon series leading up to Christmas. Join us in looking to the coming of Jesus with Dr. Eric Bargerhuff and Pastor Jonathan Boyette in a series called , "He Who is Mighty".

Leadership Training: Deacons Part 2

Our Leadership Trainings are taught by our elders each month to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. During this two-part class, we will be going over the office of deacons in the Bible. We specifically invite our current deacons to this class, but this is open to anyone who desires to learn! […]

Parents’ Night Out

Parents' Night Out: Christmas Edition! Drop your kids off at Bldg 28 on Saturday December 14th for Parents’ Night Out. Your children will have a great time hanging out with other Bldg 28 kiddos and having Christmas-themed fun while you and your spouse can have time alone. Drop them off at the 28Kids Desk at […]

Christmas Movie & Chili Cook-off

Our annual Christmas Movie & Chili Cook-off is coming up on Sunday December 15th at 5 PM. Bring friends, family, lawn chairs and blankets, to watch Charlie Brown and Rudolph on a movie truck in the front parking lot. We’ll provide the popcorn, the hot cocoa, and of course, the chili. Our members will be […]