b28 Home Groups

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At Bldg 28 we stress the importance of authentic discipleship, theological accuracy, genuine friendship, and living life on mission together. All of these needs are met through our varied Home Groups.

These groups are the foremost organized vehicle for discipleship, accountability, and connectivity at Bldg 28. Each week individuals from the community of Bldg 28 gather in various locations across our area to grow in their knowledge of the Word, their love for one another, and their fervor to make Christ known. All of these groups seek to intentionally engage our city through ministry to a specific local need.

Home Group Resources

Sermon Questions guide Home Group Leaders in their sermon discussions each week. Questions will be uploaded after the Sunday Morning Worship Time each week. Please check back later for the newest questions.

Specific Questions

Read Philippians 1:19-26

  1. Why do you think people don’t spend more time thinking about the temporary nature of life? Does knowing Christ change that?
  2. How does knowing that our prayers can have an impact on other people’s ability to endure trials change the way we view prayer?
  3. How does the hope of heaven change the way I suffer today?
  4. How is Christ being honored in my life right now? How can you encourage a Christian who has just received a diagnosis of a terminal illness?
  5. If you have a year to live, how would you spend your time? What would be your goals for the year?

General Questions

  1. What is the primary theme of this passage?
  2. What does this passage reveal to me about the person of God?
  3. How does this passage move me internally (worship) and externally (mission)?
  4. Based on what we have learned, what steps can we put into place to live this out?