Church Calendar

Thresher’s Game

Take me out to the ball game! Join your Bldg 28 friends for a fun night at a Threshers game. The Threshers will be playing against the Bradenton Marauders at BayCare Ballpark on Friday June 28th at 6:30 PM! Tickets are $16.00 but ages 4 and under are FREE! Ticket purchase includes open seating and […]

Night of Prayer

We will be having a Night of Prayer on Thursday July 11th at 7 PM! This will be an encouraging time to pray for our church and pray for one another. We will also be worshipping throughout the night through simple songs in addition to prayer. Mark your calendars and we will see you there!

Potluck In Honor of Michael Trill

We will be having a church-wide potluck this Sunday, July 14th, in memory of our late elder, Michael Trill, who passed on July 15, 2023. The potluck will begin in the Ed Wing immediately after second service. Trill loved spending time with those he loved over good food. Our hope is to honor his memory […]

Heroes VBS 2024

Bldg 28 Church 25714 US HWY 19 N, Clearwater, FL, United States

Mark your calendar for Bldg 28’s VBS 2024! We are hosting our annual FREE Vacation Bible School for kids ages 5 - 12 years old. The VBS will begin Monday July 15th to Thursday July 18th, from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm each day. The theme will be "Heroes" with live action skits from the […]

Strengthening the Body: Spiritual Gifts Class

Join us for a special class on understanding spiritual gifts and how God uses us to strengthen His body! This will be a two-part class taught on Wednesday July 24th and Wednesday July 31st at 6:30 PM in the Education Wing. The class will be taught by one of our elders, Kris Koch, using Scripture, […]

Strengthening the Body: Spiritual Gifts Class

Join us for a special class on understanding spiritual gifts and how God uses us to strengthen His body! This will be a two-part class taught on Wednesday July 24th and Wednesday July 31st at 6:30 PM in the Education Wing. The class will be taught by one of our elders, Kris Koch, using Scripture, […]

Newcomers’ Lunch

Bldg 28 Church will be hosting a lunch on Sunday, August 4th, at 1 PM and we would love for you to join us! This lunch is specifically designed to help newcomers to Bldg 28 connect with and ask questions of our leaders. You will enjoy a lunch on us and get to hear a […]

Elder Lunch

Our elders want to be available more regularly to listen, connect, and care for the people in our church family. Next Wednesday, August 7th, the elders will be meeting for lunch at Jason's Deli across from the church at 12 PM. If you are available, our elders would love the opportunity to spend time with […]

Crafts & Conversations

If you're a Bldg 28 Lady, we'd love to have you join us for Crafts & Conversations! We will gather together in the Education Wing for fellowship while we do crafts and enjoy some snacks. The supplies for crafts will be provided and they will be fun and easy for everyone regardless of skill! Please […]

Leader Connect Fall 2024

At Bldg 28, we stress the importance of authentic discipleship, theological accuracy, genuine friendship, and living life on mission together. The primary way we live out these values is through our Home Groups! Each week, individuals from our church community gather in various locations across the area to grow together. Not sure what group to […]

Men’s Gun Range Outing

Reload 40050 US Hwy 19 N, Tarpon Springs, Florida, United States

Bldg 28 Men! Come hang out and practice your shooting skills with us on Thursday August 15th at 6:30 PM at ReLoad in Tarpon Springs. Please sign up here so we can reserve bays based on the amount of men we have coming. A leader will be reaching out with more details and info about […]

28 SG Fall 2024 Kickoff

Summer is over, but 28SG is back! Middle school and high schoolers from all different schools around the area will gather for 28 Student Group Fall Kick Off on August 21st at 6:30 PM in the Student Wing! We will play games, hangout, and enjoy some snacks together. 28 Student Group will meet every Wednesday […]