Church Calendar

Parents’ Night Out

This one's for the parents! Drop your kids off at Bldg 28 on Saturday March 16th for Parents' Night Out. Your children will have a great time hanging out with other Bldg 28 kiddos, playing games, and watching a movie while you and your spouse can get some needed alone time! Drop them off at […]

Sheriff’s Youth Ranch Outreach

The Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranch is an organization that has been housing and caring for at-risk youth in our state's communities since 1957. Bldg 28 has partnered with this organization throughout the years to further minister to the children and young adults within the ranch. We hope to build relationships with them to show them […]

Motherhood Group

Are you a mother looking for community? There is a mothers group starting in two weeks that we wanted to invite you to! Chelsea Kalil and Shannon Black are excited to go through the book "Motherhood Without All the Rules" by Maggie Combs together. The first meeting will be Wednesday March 20th at 9:45 AM […]

Good Friday Service 2024

We want to invite you, your family, and your friends to join us as we celebrate Christ and His resurrection. Bldg 28 will be having one Good Friday service on Friday March 29th at 6:30 PM, and two Easter services on Sunday March 31st at 9:15 AM and 11:15 AM. We cannot wait to focus […]

Easter Services 2024

We want to invite you, your family, and your friends to join us as we celebrate Christ and His resurrection. Bldg 28 will be having one Good Friday service on Friday March 29th at 6:30 PM, and two Easter services on Sunday March 31st at 9:15 AM and 11:15 AM. We cannot wait to focus […]

Newcomers’ Lunch

Bldg 28 Church will be hosting a lunch on Sunday, April 7th, at 1 PM and we would love for you to join us! This lunch is specifically designed to help newcomers to Bldg 28 connect with and ask questions of our leaders. You will enjoy a lunch on us and get to hear a […]

Sheriff’s Youth Ranch Outreach

The Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranch is an organization that has been housing and caring for at-risk youth in our state's communities since 1957. Bldg 28 has partnered with this organization throughout the years to further minister to the children and young adults within the ranch. We hope to build relationships with them to show them […]

Baby Dedication Sunday

Congratulations on your precious child, a gift from God! We are so excited that you have decided to dedicate your child to the Lord and to commit to godly parenting in front of our church family. Our Baby Dedications will take place during service announcements on Sunday April 28th in both 9:15 AM and 11:15 […]

Church Cleanup

Help us take care of our home! Come out on Saturday May 4th at 9 AM to help us take care of some projects on our church property. There will be outdoor AND indoor cleaning projects to work on. This will help us deep clean in preparation for summer events on our campus! Please sign […]

United Worship Service

Please mark your calendars for a special Sunday service. On Sunday, May 5th, we will only be having ONE WORSHIP SERVICE AT 10:15 AM. This is an opportunity for our two Sunday morning services to come together for one united worship service, similar to evening worship nights we have held in the past. This will […]

Rowdies Church Outing

AI Lang Stadium 230 1st St SE, St. Petersburg, FL

Let's watch some soccer! Join your Bldg 28 friends for a fun night at a Rowdies game. The Rowdies will be playing Birmingham Legion FC on Saturday May 11th at 7:30 PM at AI Lang Stadium in St. Petersburg. One of our leaders, Jordan Shelvock, will be organizing this outing and purchasing tickets for those […]

Sheriff’s Youth Ranch Outreach

The Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranch is an organization that has been housing and caring for at-risk youth in our state's communities since 1957. Bldg 28 has partnered with this organization throughout the years to further minister to the children and young adults within the ranch. We hope to build relationships with them to show them […]