Church Calendar

Parents’ Night Out

Another Parents’ Night Out is coming up soon on Saturday March 15th! Your children will have a great time hanging out with other Bldg 28 kiddos, playing games, and watching a movie while you and your spouse can be alone. Drop them off at the 28Kids Desk at 6:30 PM and our Kids Ministry Team […]

Newcomers’ Lunch

Bldg 28 Church will be hosting a lunch on Sunday, March 16th, at 1 PM and we would love for you to join us! This lunch is specifically designed to help newcomers to Bldg 28 connect with and ask questions of our leaders. You will enjoy lunch with other newbies and hear a brief summary […]

Baby Dedication Sunday

Congratulations on your precious child, a gift from God! We are so excited that you have decided to dedicate your child to the Lord and to commit to godly parenting in front of our church family. Our Baby Dedications will take place during service announcements on Sunday March 23rd in both the 9:15 AM and […]

Youth Ranch Outreach

Our monthly outreach at the Sheriff's Youth Ranch will be on Sunday, March 30th. By our church members serving the children at this ranch every month, we are building relationships and showing them that we love them, but more importantly, that Jesus loves them! Please consider joining us at the Sheriff's Youth Ranch on Sunday […]